A Pattern In Business-to-Consumer Contracts 

This is an item from an apartment lease found after the tenant is told what rights the complex has:

Unless you’re entitled to terminate your tenancy under paragraphs 10 (Special Provisions), 16 (Delay of Occupancy), or 45 (Move-Out Notice), you won’t be released from this Lease Contract for any reason—including but not limited to voluntary or involuntary school withdrawal or transfer, voluntary or involuntary job transfer, marriage, separation, divorce, reconciliation, loss of co-residents, loss of employment, bad health, or death.

There is no corresponding clause in the respective lease that indicates the tenant is entitled to terminate the agreement due to any type of negligence or breach of lease agreement by the apartment complex. When you do have something serious, you are met with apartments abundant legal resources to screw you over. Consumers need an alternate means to log their complaints without the threat of some third-party business entity buying its influence over the site in ways that bury or water-down the actual complaint without a consumer-focused resolution. Our complaints will be heard.

This is the one-sided nature of presenting disputes to apartment complexes in general. In fact, it is the inspiration behind this site. I am not a lawyer. But I am a software engineer. I know how to build a digital forum advocating for the consumer in situations such as this.

Maybe, somehow, a legal expert will take a glimpse at a story or stories on the site and take an interest. There are no guarantees --provide a platform for others to voice their concerns against selected businesses in an effort to establish whether the neglect is a pattern.

Over the next months, a sign-in will be added to this site so that you can tie your complaint or observation to your account which will have its sources made anonymous when requested. I hope that you will check back and join. While the site is under development, you may send your comments or willing to participate to woyendor@gmail.com.

My hope is that this site will allow consumers to freely log their complaints in hopes that legal parties may take an interest and intercede on the behalf of the consumer.           

The Dogs Won't Stop Barking

The first experience on this site is a very personal one. after numerous attempts to address noise complaints that were impacting my work and my livelihood, I feel I had no choice but to move. I feel as if I’m seen as the grumpy old man making complaints about situations to which I should be accustomed.

View the complaint
Utility Fees Still Charged to my account

There is a second account of the complex charging utilities in my name even after my moving out.

View the complaint